Tuesday, October 8, 2024

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The powerful pastor in Pretoria Does Prayers For Healing Sick Pets

The powerful pastor In Pretoria does prayers for Healing Sick Pets

Some of you may read this title and think “The powerful pastor in Pretoria does prayers for healing  sick pets, really?” Yes!

The truth we know is that in most countries animals are kept outside of the house.  So I would imagine some of you would not think of praying for a sick pet.  Especially when you think of all the people that you know that need prayer.  I’m hoping that by the time you read this article, you will change your mind about this.

You see, for too many people, their pet is much like a member of the family.  This is their baby.

I am also convinced that dogs were put on this earth to teach us how to love unconditionally.

Scripture to Consider Before Praying For your Pet

The first time someone asked me to pray for their sick dog it did take me by surprise but since I told her I would do it I went with the request to God and asked what was His perspective on praying for a dog or a cat.

These are the thoughts that came to me:

1. If pets weren’t important to God then He never would have commanded Noah to take two of each type and put them on the ark when He was about to destroy the earth with a flood. (Genesis 7:16).  Let’s face it He wouldn’t have created them in the first place!

2. Isaiah 65 which is the picture of the new heaven and the new earth has the wolf and the lamb eating together while lions will eat straw.  Even a snake is mentioned! This is the picture and harmony among all animals on the new earth.

The powerful pastor in Pretoria Does Prayers For Healing Sick Pets
The powerful pastor in Pretoria Does Prayers For Healing Sick Pets

3.  Remember that man was the one that brought sickness and death to the earth through sin.  This means that animals, much like man, were created to live forever.  Even plant life would live forever because there would be no death. Can you imagine your garden blooming year-round and nothing dying? We are the ones responsible for animals getting sick.

If your pet animal is sick, bring it to the man of God will heal it

Nowhere in the bible does it say that your pet hamster, pig, or pet fish has a soul that needs to be saved. While pets are important to God, they are not to be viewed above humans.  You shouldn’t love your animals more than you love a fellow human being.  We have souls that need to be saved and animals do not. The bible clearly shows us that God puts a greater love on humans and so should you. Matthew 6:26 (NIV) “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

5.  Revelation 19 has Jesus coming back on a white horse.  Through this, we know that animals are in heaven.

So now that we have established that pets are important to God and that they are in heaven, let’s talk about the process of healing.

Are you wondering: Can prayer heal the sick animal?

Get in touch with this powerful pastor in Pretoria to heal Your pet

Jesus wants you to have a new dawn in your life. He wants you to have new hope and another reason to live with your pet. Pastor Michael Burger will pray for God to heal your pet, and illuminate your life, your thoughts, and everything that surrounds you. The man of God has healed many people with their pets, delivered many from demonic possession, and made many prosper. Contact Pastor Michael Burger, the most powerful pastor in South Africa and you will receive your miracle today.

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